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Uncomfortable Truth

25. Christians in Hell

by gospel79 2024. 6. 15.

25.1. The Testimony of Carmelo Brenes

Richard Bruce님의 YouTube 동영상
In 1982, I died in an accident. When death rushed upon me, everything was dark. I was walking alone in a dark tunnel, and some kind of being was taking me away. As I walked through the cold and dark tunnel, I began to hear terrible screams and groans, and I was terribly afraid. I knew my body had already died, but there I was still alive.

Large snakes were writhing around, and everyone was crying out for water. Soon we arrived at a hill with rooms and sections, each containing many people. I began to cry out of fear and begged God for mercy.

Lord, remember my life. Have mercy.

Great terror rushed in and my entire life flashed before my eyes. When I arrived in front of a certain door, I cried out again.

My Lord, have mercy on me! I beg you to help me! Lord, help!

Suddenly there was silence, and I heard a loud voice.


The voice shook all of hell, and I was lifted out by the hand of some being.

I am not the God of adulterers. I am not the God of fornicators. I am not the God of liars. I am not the God of pretenders, so why do you call Me Lord? (Luke 6:46)

I felt as if I were being destroyed, but in an instant, I heard the gentle voice of God.

Come, I will show you what happens here and what awaits those who did not follow My way but walked according to their own hearts.

Then we went to a place where a woman was sitting in a rocking chair. There, terrible groans could be heard. At first she looked fine, but her body changed into a witch, and she was burning in flames, screaming in pain. She begged for mercy, but the Lord said to me,

The wages of sin is death, and those who come here cannot leave again. (Romans 6:23)

The Lord showed me many disobedient people, and they were once Christians. They were crying and begging for mercy, but there was no mercy there.

Mercy can only be received while living on this earth. When a person dies, there is no more mercy, as the Bible says.

People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)

Jesus showed me a place where some kind of oil was boiling, and in it people were experiencing the pain of burning in flames, trying to get out. But the demons threw them back in. We walked to a place where there were people who had heard God's Word but never wanted to repent.

I saw pastors, evangelists, believers, missionaries. They were all there for different reasons. I saw a pastor who never believed in the power of the Holy Spirit, tongues, healing, or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Mark 3:29)

He was begging for mercy, pleading for another chance to proclaim to the world that there are tongues, there is the Holy Spirit, and there is true freedom in the gospel.

But it was too late. He is a pastor but can never leave. His chance to repent was only possible while he was on earth. I also saw a missionary in hell. He had raised money for missions in Africa but embezzled half of that money for himself.

He begged for mercy, pleading for a chance to return the money that was not his. Realizing that Jesus could not help him, he cursed Jesus.

I saw people who had praised God inside the church. They missed the chance to repent after death, so they are weeping and begging for mercy for sins they did not repent of. I saw pastors who had stolen tithes and offerings.

They too begged for a chance to restore the bad things they had done, but there are no more chances. A person who dies without Jesus goes to hell, and those who die with Jesus go to heaven.

Many people think that when they die, the soul ceases to exist (soul annihilation), but when you die, true life begins, either eternal life in God's glory or eternal curse and shame. (Daniel 12:2)

You are standing at such a crossroads right now. We all need to carefully contemplate where we will be forever.

Will you be in hell for eternity? Or do you want to enjoy eternal life in God's glory? That is your choice.

25.2. The Reality of Hell

We continued walking to a terrifying place with all kinds of demons. Some demons had one arm, one eye, or one bent leg. Half of the face was human, but the other half was empty.

I asked the Lord,

Lord, what is this?

The Lord said,

These are homeless demons of destruction. They will destroy without rest, day by day.

There, the torment is very terrible. They always remember what they did on earth. It is like the story of the rich man and Lazarus. (Luke 16:19-31)

The rich man could remember his father and five brothers. You remember all the good or bad things you did in your life. You remember all your relatives. This is part of the torment. Because you desperately want them not to come to hell.

Today, many people on earth are warning people to repent and preaching the gospel. The only One who can save you is Jesus, and to save you, Jesus is at the right hand of God the Father.

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

Only believe in Jesus.

25.3. Children in Hell

I saw two children screaming at their mother,

Why didn't you take us to Sunday school at church? Why didn't you let us go to church?

They cursed her because she never allowed them to hear the gospel. When I remember that young children are in hell, it is still painful and terrifying for me even now.

I saw a few people who looked about 12-14 years old. They regretted many things they had done on earth. Many Christians say that children never stumble, but I tell you that if a child can discern between good and evil but is not following the Lord's way, they too can enter the place of torment. (Proverbs 22:6)

And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. (Revelation 20:12)

All who can discern between good and evil must stand before the Lord. No one can hide from the Lord's eyes.

We continued walking to a place like a stadium. There, demons were mocking people. They were ridiculing and inflicting pain on people. The demons tore people apart, hid parts, and made them search for them. The demons were cruelly enjoying inflicting pain.

The Bible says,

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... (John 10:10)

People are desperately thirsty due to thirst, but there is no water at all. They even regret being born.

But the worst is knowing Jesus and then leaving Him.

If you have drifted away from Jesus and no longer follow the Lord's way, today is the day to return to the Lord. Do not be ashamed no matter what your friends or anyone else says. Remember what Jesus said about those who are ashamed of Him,

Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (Luke 9:26)

Now is the time to run to God. Seek salvation. Do not look for a church that makes you feel good, but find a church where the Holy Spirit is at work and that makes you repent of all your sins.

Now is the time for deep repentance. Now is the time to cry out to our Lord Jesus and run to Him.

If you harbor sin and do not stop sinning, you are in danger. Because the Bible says Jesus will come like a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2)

Are you ready?

25.4. Satan's Torment

I kept watching the demons tormenting people. The demon would tear out a person's eyes, hide them, and the person would suffer and drag his body around trying to find them. The demons were cruelly enjoying such things.

The demons tore off some people's arms and legs and did it again and again. The punishment for those who once knew the Lord but left the Lord and died sinning was twice as bad. (Hebrews 10:26-27)

Those who do not know God also suffer, but those who knew Jesus but fell away suffer more severely. (2 Peter 2:21)

While there, I felt an indescribable fear. I felt so sorry for them crying out and begging for mercy.

The Lord Jesus said,

I will show you many things waiting for the souls who have fallen into hell.

We went to another place with many burning rooms. The people in the rooms were burned to gray bones. But they could still feel pain, and when Jesus passed by, they screamed and begged for mercy.

These people had once attended church, and some had preached God's Word on earth during their lives, and some had cast out demons and spoken in tongues.

But now these Christians had come down here. Because one day, they turned away from God's way.

25.5. The Road to Hell

The Lord said,

Look at this wide road.

Numerous believers were walking, some carrying Bibles, some praying, some praising. Even though God's narrow way was to the right of the wide road, the Christians kept walking straight to hell.

Jesus explained,

They are living a double life. They are living two lives. A life in My house of prayer and another life in their own homes.

I said to the Lord,

But Lord, these people are praising Your name!

Jesus replied,

Yes. Even when they cry out, shout, and speak well to Me or about Me, their hearts are full of adultery, wickedness, lies, deceit, hatred, bitterness, and evil thoughts.

I remembered this Bible verse and understood the Lord's words,

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21)

Many Christians have some hatred or bitterness in their hearts towards their brothers, and some even leave the church because of their brothers.

When the pastor asks, "Do you love the Lord?" they say "Amen!" but the Bible says that whoever hates his brother is like a murderer, and murderers cannot enter heaven.

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell. (Matthew 5:22)
Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:17-18)

It is very sad when those who serve the Lord fail to enter heaven. Contemplate this seriously and ask yourself,

Am I prepared for the Lord? Am I truly doing God's will? Is my life pleasing to God?

Turn your heart to God, and you have time ahead of you to avoid hell. Some people do not worry about where they are going now and only want to enjoy life.

But I want to tell you that it is life to spend time with Jesus, not women, and to spend time in the Lord's house, not in bars. We must pray to God to have mercy on those walking the path of death and sin.

I was very heartbroken to see many peoplewho thought they had lived holy lives on earth, begging for mercy and a chance in hell.

I saw a woman who seemed to be reading God's Word and preaching John 3:16,

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

She is there because she could never forgive her husband and did not forgive him.

Jesus said. (Matthew 6:14-15)

She served an evangelical church for 35 years, but now she is in hell, begging for a chance to forgive her husband.

The Bible warns us,

Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. (Matthew 5:25)

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. (Matthew 5:7)

For those who cry out before the Lord, there is the Lord's mercy and grace, but if you no longer grieve, no longer pray, and have stopped your prayer life, you are in great danger.

Forgiveness is especially important. That woman never forgave. Even after laboring for God's work for 35 years, she lost everything. Contemplate this, and make sure you forgive.

Where do you want to live forever? My brother often said to me,

The day I die, I will go to hell and have the devil torment me.

But thankfully, he repented of this foolish belief. Because God's judgment reached him.

While writing this message, he recently fell ill with AIDS and pleaded with God for a chance. He turned his heart to the Lord. He wanted to change his heart and turn away from the path to hell, and thankfully he accepted Jesus as his Savior. My brother was given a chance. He knew he did not have much time left. But many people do not know when they will die.

25.6. Proud Christians

Listen carefully. I am also an evangelical Christian. When I prayed for the sick, God healed them, and when I prayed for the disabled, the Lord cured them. I cast out demons and spoke in new tongues, but with a spirit of pride, I thought the pastor was spiritually smaller than me.

I saw that I performed more miracles than my pastor. But I began to think that I was doing those miracles. Because of pride, I thought I was a special person with great talents. I did not know it was God's mercy.

When I went to hell, God said to me,

I am not the God of the proud.

Many people are full of pride and vanity in front of God's altar. Many who praise God begin to be filled with pride. Do many of God's servants who are greatly used by God and preach His Word begin to think they are very important?

Do many people doing relief ministry also begin to be filled with pride? I tell you that God sees all these things and knows your heart.

If there is vanity, pride, or arrogance in your heart, if you look down on your brother or pastor, quickly repent of your sin!

It is better to be put to shame before people than to be put to shame before the Lord. I want you to see hell just as I saw it.

I hope you can hear and see the fear and cursed screams I felt, and the judgment. Then you will understand.

We kept walking to a place like a waiting room. I saw a screaming demon and other demons revealing themselves. Two demons were in the form of beautiful women. Their task is to destroy ministries and make pastors sin.

Those who serve the Lord must beware of Satan's traps. Satan wants to destroy your life, and he can use and deceive people close to you and those who do not walk with Jesus. They can become Satan's tools.

Satan has demons disguised as humans. They enter the church to seduce young ladies and housewives to sin and destroy marriages and lives.

In hell, I saw a man who had committed the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. (Luke 12:10) There he was screaming in pain and begging for mercy. There were worms on his face and whole body. He tried to remove the worms, but more appeared. (Mark 9:44)

The pain was unbearable. This man was worried about whether his family would come there. If you truly love your family, teach them God's Word so they do not go to hell. (Acts 16:31)

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28)

Christians must remember that even if they can hide the truth from pastors, deacons, elders, and believers, they cannot hide it before the Lord.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm 139:7-10)

25.7. Lying to God

It may sound crazy, but many Christians fall into hell because of lying. Christians often lie thoughtlessly in church and think nothing of it.

If a pastor asks a church member a question and they lie in response, we must remember that God made Ananias and Sapphira die for a simple lie. (Acts 5:3-10)

Many Christians are in hell because they told simple lies to their pastors. They did not realize they were lying to God.

The Bible warns us,

Do not get drunk, do not commit adultery, do not be sexually immoral, do not lie. They will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Revelation 21:8), (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

If you claim to be a Christian but continue to sin, you are unclean before God.

I am being used by God, but I still have pride in my heart. (Matthew 7:21-23) The time is set before us to repent and renew our hearts and minds.

If you are a lukewarm Christian, a fallen Christian, or a double-life Christian, fall down before God right now, beg for forgiveness, and turn from your evil ways.

If you do not know Jesus, pray now, ask the Lord for forgiveness, ask the Lord to come into your heart, and accept Jesus as your Savior.

Do not waste time.

Do not become a Christian who falls into hell.

