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Uncomfortable Truth

24. Even Those I Love Will Go to Hell If They Commit Lawlessness

by gospel79 2024. 6. 15.

One day during prayer, the Lord said to me,

I love you. However, if you commit lawlessness (disobedience), even you whom I love will go to hell.

I had no doubt that the Lord, who is the God of justice and the righteous Judge, would do as He said according to His Word and law.

However, that day I was so shocked that to this day I live in awe of the Lord I love with a trembling heart. In hell, there are countless souls who once loved the Lord. They are there due to sins committed knowingly, sins considered small and unrepented of, sins repeatedly committed, sins blaspheming the Holy Spirit, etc. - sins for which they did not bear fruits worthy of repentance after receiving forgiveness.

We must live according to the Word that tells us to always submit and work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

I tell you, unless you repent, you too will all perish! (Luke 13:3)

Jesus said this. People do not know that hell has opened its mouth and is waiting for the unrepentant souls on earth. Whether they believe in Jesus or not. 'Heaven for the repentant! Hell for the lawless!'

How terrifying is this? How dangerous? Even people who go to church do not know that hell is inside the earth, beneath the ground we always tread upon. A thousand-foot cliff of hell is right in front of people's every step. Throwing behind their backs the words Jesus so strongly emphasized, telling them not to go to hell but to enter eternal life in heaven,

No, believers can't go to hell even if they want to!

So many live under this delusion, following false doctrines and assuming they will undoubtedly go to heaven. We really need to read the Bible again carefully and slowly. Do I truly believe the Bible? Do I believe doctrines? Do I believe and follow the words of truth from Jesus? Do I believe and follow the words of people and theologians?

Like the Bereans, we must carefully examine the Scriptures. Because it determines whether my soul goes to heaven or hell! If we thought we believed well in Jesus but did not live according to His Word, we have lived as lawless people. To the lawless, the Lord firmly says, "I never knew you, you workers of lawlessness. Depart from Me!"

In the end, they fall into hell, weeping and gnashing their teeth. How terrifying are these words... The lawless go to hell. Even at this moment, countless souls are falling into that terrifying hell. The population is said to be 7.8 billion, and 230,000 people die every day. Among them, how many are falling into hell...?

Even Christians must know that if they do not repent, are not born again, and live in disobedience to God's Word, they will fall into that thousand-foot cliff (about 6,400 km), the tunnel of death, hell. They are deceived, thinking that because they believe in Jesus and go to church, they will never go to hell and will go to heaven. Those who are not born again can neither see nor enter the kingdom of God. (John 3:3,5)

In one testimony about hell, I saw that there are many pits of fire in hell, so I asked, "Jesus! Why are there so many pits of fire in hell?" And Jesus said, "Those many pits of fire are for those who live on earth and come to hell without repentance."

In a vision, someone whose spiritual eyes were opened saw that those falling into hell looked like garbage falling in heaps, like autumn leaves falling in droves. Thus, the end of those who do not repent of their sins is ultimately hell. That is why the Lord tells us to repent so we do not go to hell. 'Repentance is the escape from hell and the key to open the gate of heaven,' so how can we neglect repentance?

O Holy Spirit! Help us! Let us realize our sins and help us repent! Give us the power to overcome sin, to cut off sin, to live unrelated to sin, and to live obeying God's Word! When we want to live for the Lord, there is the pain of having to give up all the things of the world we enjoyed.

However, when we think of suffering eternal torment in hell, this pain is no pain at all. The pain of crucifying our selves while we are alive is very small compared to enduring the torment of hell forever. No matter how great the sufferings in this world may be, they are far less than the suffering in hell.

Sin is more evil and wicked than hell. Because sin birthed hell. Flee from sin! Run away quickly! Because it will be too late when you die. All opportunities to repent end with death. Therefore, before sin kills me, I must first kill sin. This is repentance.

If you repent of your sins, there is a way to live... There is a way to avoid hell... There is absolutely no reason to indulge in sin, being tempted and deceived by the devil, and go to hell. We are noble beings created in God's image. "A person is noble, but one who lacks understanding is like the beasts that perish." (Psalm 49:12,20) We must live as noble and understanding people.

Our choices with free will are free, but each receives judgment between good and evil. If you lose to sin, you are a slave to sin, a slave to the devil. The loser is the slave of the victor. But those who overcome sin will enter through the twelve pearl gates of heaven, eat from the tree of life, enjoy eternal life with the Lord, and receive praise, honor, and glory. Amen, hallelujah!

