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Uncomfortable Truth

5. Proof of the Existence of God (Deductive Evidence)

by gospel79 2024. 6. 15.

5.1. Proof by Deductive Reasoning

The first way to discuss the existence of God is through deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning begins with premises that are so self-evident to be considered 'true' without requiring 'proof', that is, 'axioms', and obtains additional truths through a logical derivation process (generally syllogism).

For example, let's assume there is an axiom that 'if you work hard and put in effort, you will be rewarded'. And let's assume that I worked hard and put in effort.

If the axiom that hard work and effort will be rewarded is true and I worked hard and put in effort, we can derive the logic that I will be rewarded. If the premise is a true axiom and there is no problem with the logical derivation process, we can know that the derived logic 'I will be rewarded' is also true.

We can also confirm the existence of God through the deductive reasoning process. The axioms that serve as the premise are two: first, 'everything that began to exist has a cause', and second, 'something cannot be created out of nothing'.

You must be wondering what these two axioms have to do with the existence of God. First, I will explain why these are true. Next, I will look at how we can confirm the existence of God through these two 'axioms'.

5.2. Origin of the Universe

How does a person come to exist? If we say that a person is made by the combination of the father's sperm and the mother's egg, would that be a perfect answer? No, it's not. This is because the question of the cause of existence of the parents who provided the sperm and egg still remains.

If the infinite regression of the cause of the parents' existence goes all the way back, the ultimate answer is divided into two categories: the creationist view and the evolutionist view. From the creationist perspective, all humans are ultimately descended from the first humans, Adam and Eve. And the being who created Adam and Eve is 'God', and from this perspective, the ultimate origin of all humans is God.

On the other hand, evolutionists and atheists claim that all living things, including humans, originated from primitive mammals that have undergone countless evolutions, although they cannot specifically confirm it.

Furthermore, they claim that the ultimate origin of those primitive mammals was extremely primitive single-celled organisms, and the ultimate origin of those single-celled organisms was proteins, RNA, DNA, etc., and their ultimate origin was the atoms, protons, electrons, etc. of the elements that make them up, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen.

And the ultimate cause of the particles from the 'atheistic perspective' is 'they just existed on their own'.

I will now explain in detail what 'they just existed on their own' means.

5.3. Two Hypotheses about the Origin of the Universe

Let me summarize again. There are two opposing views on the ultimate origin of the 'countless beings' (people, animals, plants, water, mountains, rocks, wind, earth, sun, moon, planets, universe, time, space) that exist in the universe.

The first is the view that the origin of all things is a 'God' who is the first cause without any further ultimate cause (theism). The second is the view that the primitive elements at the point where we have gone back in time and cause as far as we can discover 'just existed on their own' (atheism).

The first view is that there was a 'starting point' for the existence of all things, and the second view is that all things 'existed on their own without a starting point'. In other words, theism claims that there is a clear ultimate origin called 'God' for all things. However, atheism claims that there is no cause for all things, and they just existed on their own.

From the theistic perspective, 'God' not only transcends time and space but is a being who created time and space itself and is the ultimate cause of Himself. Furthermore, the universe and all things created by God have a 'starting point' when God began creation. This means that there is a starting point for the existence of all things.

From the atheistic perspective, the universe and all things are claimed to have originally existed. In other words, it is the view that all things did not have a 'initial point' when they began to exist, but just existed on their own. The cause is unknown.

Then, can we accept these two opposing views as just differences in thought? Absolutely not. This is because these claims are completely opposite to each other. This is not a matter of personal preference. One of the two is completely right, and the other is completely wrong. There is no room for compromise.

5.4. Verification through Mathematical Reasoning

How can we verify which of the two opposing views on the 'origin of all things' is correct? There are two methods. Mathematics and physics.

First, let's think about the method based on mathematical reasoning. As mentioned earlier, the way to confirm the origin of all things is to trace back the causes step by step. From this perspective, atheists claim that the ultimate origin of the universe and all things is just 'itself'. In other words, atheists' claim can be rephrased as the basic causes 'existed from infinite past time'.

If the universe itself had no starting point, the number of past events in the universe would be infinite. In the previous example, above me are my parents, and above my parents are their parents, and above those parents are their parents.

In this way, it means that there must be an infinite number of prior causes and events. If the concept of 'infinity' is a concept that exists in the real world, the atheistic view cannot be said to be wrong. There is a sufficient possibility of that.

Unfortunately, however, mathematicians unanimously agree that the concept of 'infinite number of existing things' is self-contradictory. The concept of 'infinity' that we deal with when discussing 'infinite series' or 'limits' in mathematics is an artificially defined 'pseudo-infinity'.

Intuitively, we can also confirm that 'infinity' does not exist in the real world. For example, what would infinity minus infinity be? Would it be 0? Or infinity? It is self-contradictory.

One of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, David Hilbert, said the following:

Infinity is not a reality that can be found in the real world. It does not exist in nature and does not provide any basis for rational thought. The only role that the concept of infinity plays is that it is merely an idea, a concept.

Since past causes or events are 'realities' rather than mere ideas or concepts, the number of past events must be 'finite'. Therefore, we obtain the mathematical conclusion that a series of past events and causes cannot find their origin in the abyss of 'eternity' and 'infinity', and there must have been a point when they started.

Therefore, the atheists' view on the origin of all things is refuted by this mathematical and philosophical logic, and there is a logical error.

5.5. Verification through Modern Physics

Some of you may agree with this content, but on the other hand, some of you may feel that itdoes not resonate well because it is an abstract argument. I fully understand. If rational evidence relies solely on abstract 'mathematical reasoning', it can certainly feel frustrating.

However, atheists are dealt a decisive blow not only by mathematics, which is the symbol of human rational intellect, but also by physics. This was due to the 'Big Bang' theory, one of the greatest discoveries of 20th-century modern physics, and due to this Big Bang theory, the atheistic origin of the universe and all things is directly refuted not only by mathematical errors but also by 'realistic' modern physics. This was just half a century ago.

The Big Bang theory claims that the universe and all things did not 'originally exist from infinite past time', but began at a specific point in time 13.8 billion years ago. It is the theory that all matter, energy, physical time, and space began for the first time at this point 13.8 billion years ago.

The Big Bang theory was initially thought of as a hypothesis, but with Hubble's discovery of the redshift of galaxies and the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, which won the Nobel Prize in Physics, it became the standard model of modern cosmology. I will cover the details of the Big Bang theory later.

The core of the Big Bang theory is that the universe did not originally exist, but had a specific starting point. This directly refutes the atheistic origin hypothesis. Atheists tried to explain the origin of the universe from their perspective through the 'steady-state theory', which states that the universe always existed, but with the verification of the Big Bang theory, the steady-state theory became obsolete in the scientific community.

Then some atheists tried to explain the origin of all things from an atheistic perspective using the Big Bang theory, and the way they did it was as follows:

'13.8 billion years ago, something was created out of nothing'

Here, what we need to seriously think about is 'something can be created out of absolute nothing'. Can 'being' be created from 'nothing'? Can nothing be the cause of 'being'?

Let me give you an example. If I show you an empty box and hide the box for a while and say that a computer can come out, you will say that I am crazy. What if we change the object to something much simpler than a complex thing like a computer? It doesn't matter if we change the object.

The point is that no one intuitively agrees with the paradigm that something can be spontaneously created out of nothing. The fact that something cannot be created out of nothing is impossible to prove logically, but no one claims that this is false. How can anything be created from a state of nothingness? Therefore, the premise that something cannot be created out of nothing is in the realm of 'axioms'.

Therefore, from this perspective, we can infer that there must be a cause that started the universe.

5.6. Proof by Kalam's Cosmological Argument

By synthesizing these facts, we can make the following argument. This is the famous 'Kalam's cosmological argument'.

  1. Everything that began to exist has a cause. (Something cannot come from nothing)
  2. The universe did not originally exist, but had a point (the first starting point) when it began to exist. (proven by the Big Bang theory)
  3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.

If we accept that the first two premises are true, we can confirm that the conclusion that the universe has a cause is also logically true. This is the argumentation method by deductive reasoning.

If I explain this far, there is always an objection that comes up:

'Then what is the cause of that being called God?'

The important thing here is that the 'first cause' that became the fundamental cause of the universe must logically not have a higher cause that caused its own existence, must be invariant, and must be a non-material being that transcends time and space.

The reason is that the eternal regression of causes (the dilemma of falling into logic without a starting point, such as the cause of the cause of the cause of the cause of the cause of the existence of something) is an error. Therefore, we come to the logical conclusion that the 'ultimate first cause' of all causes must exceptionally be a special being that is not bound by causality.

Furthermore, as derived from the Big Bang theory, that initial ultimate cause must be a being that transcends time and space because it is a being that created time and space itself.

5.7. Summary

In summary:

  • Countless people have pondered the origin of the universe and all things since ancient times, and the conclusions of philosophical thought can be divided into two: derived from a transcendent being and originally existed without knowing the reason and cause.
  • For the position that the origin of all things 'originally existed' to be true, a logical contradiction and error occurs that the concept of 'actual infinity', which does not exist in reality, must be accepted.
  • Furthermore, for the proposition that the origin of the universe had 'no starting point' to be proven true, unfortunately, it has been clearly proven false by modern physics.
  • In other words, the atheistic assumption that the universe and all things originally existed not only carries contradictions and errors even by somewhat abstract and ideal logical thought, but has also been directly refuted by physics.
  • If we synthesize the truths proven by two methods, mathematical and logical reasoning and modern physics methodology, we can draw the following conclusions:
    • The existence of the universe had a beginning, everything that began to exist has a cause, and something cannot come from nothing without any cause.
    • The fundamental cause that triggered the beginning of the universe must exist, and the 'first origin' must not be bound by causality in order to overcome the dilemma of 'eternal regression of causes'.
    • Since it is a being that created space-time and matter, it must be a non-material being that transcends space-time.

These attributes are consistent with the attributes of Almighty God described in the Bible.

  • He is a transcendent being and the creator of the entire universe, all things, and humans.
  • He is omniscient and omnipotent and governs all material and non-material worlds.
  • Since He is omniscient, omnipotent, and transcends material properties, it is impossible to completely prove His confirmation or reality through physical and scientific methods.
  • He is a spiritual and non-material being.
  • He never began to exist, and He Himself is both the cause and the effect.

You may have mistakenly thought that the arguments for the existence of God were simply subjective thoughts without any basis. However, you should keep in mind that such arguments are based on rigorous proofs based on rigorous mathematical thought and physical evidence, as shown above.

And if you are an intellectual, you should also acknowledge the fact that atheistic origins are rather full of mathematical, logical, and physical errors for these reasons.

As such, through deductive reasoning based on mathematical reasoning and the latest modern physics, we can conclude that there is no way to logically explain the origin of the universe and all things without contradictions without the existence of an omniscient and omnipotent being called 'God'.

